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Join us at the Awards Presentation Ceremony-cum-Dinner!

The ceremony will be an evening filled with anticipation as we eagerly await the announcement of HKIS Awards 2024 winners.
Date : 12 July 2024
Time : 18:30 - 22:00
Venue : Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel

Reserve your table now and be a part of this momentous occasion!

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【HKIS Awards 2024 - Congratulations to all the finalists!】
The first screening committee has completed the first round of evaluations, and we are delighted to announce the finalist project teams. Each finalist has demonstrated exceptional talent and remarkable contributions to their respective fields. Give your best and showcase your excellence to the judging panel in the finalist presentation!

Here is the list of finalists:

Planning Category (in alphabetical order):

  2. A Legacy Reimagined, A Story Retold – Ming Wah Dai Ha Redevelopment
  3. KT Marina
  4. Kwun Tong Town Centre Project (K7)
  5. Monaco
  6. The Salvation Army Lai King Home Redevelopment Project

Pre-construction Category (in alphabetical order):

  1. Central Asia Hub Phase 3 Expansion
  2. Central Market
  3. Monaco
  4. Proposed Composite Development at 28 Tonkin Street
  5. Public Rental Housing and Subsidised Sale Flats Development at Queen’s Hill Site 1, Fanling
  6. WWF HK Mai Po Infrastructure Upgrade
  7. 8 Castle Road

Construction Category (in alphabetical order):

  1. Alteration and Renovation Works for Shun Sing Mansion
  2. CFE-HMB Chiller Replacement
  3. Enhancement Works for Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station
  4. Hang Seng Bank Headquarters - Workplace Transformation
  5. Hong Kong Palace Museum
  6. Improvement to Dongjiang Water Mains P4 at Sheung Shui and Fanling
  7. Inland Revenue Centre in Kai Tak Development
  8. Kwu Tung North Multi-welfare Services Complex
  9. New Territories (Shatin) Forensic Medicine Centre
  10. North Lantau Hospital Hong Kong Infection Control Centre
  11. Tenacity Residence: Ying Wa Street Modular Transitional Housing for The Society for Community Organization
  12. The Reclamation of Three Runway System Project at Hong Kong International Airport

Sales and Leasing Category (in alphabetical order):

  1. Monaco One & Monaco Marine
  2. One North

Post-occupation Category (in alphabetical order):

  1. CITIC Tower
  2. Crafting Homes from Empty Spaces – “from Vacant to Vibrant"
  3. Maintenance Strategy on ArchSD maintained man-made slope
  4. Monaco One
  5. Sustainability Strategy in Tree and Road Inspection by Advanced Geo-spatial Technology

Projects Outside Hong Kong Category:

  1. Building # 15